Oddo’s Angle: Split Leg Lunge Hops April 15, 2013April 17, 2013Articles, Features, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trainer Kim Oddo and IFBB Figure Pro Krissy Chin demonstrate Split Leg Lunge Hops, a plyometric exercise designed to work the entire lower body
September 7, 20152015 IFBB North American Championships Pro Card Winners2015 IFBB North American Championships Pro Card Winners WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE Earned IFBB Pro Card Delane Hart Krissy Rains Destinee Silva …
March 22, 2021Road To The IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021: Casey Delong InterviewFINALLY! The First @ifbbproleaguewellness to film her 2021 #roadtothepittsburghpro @npcifbbpropittsburgh was Casey Delong @ifbbprokc who was interviewed by J.M. Manion …
April 30, 2017TODAY’S FEATURED IFBB CONTEST: 2016 IFBB PITTSBURGH PRO -Figure, Bikini, Men’s Classic, Men’s PhysiqueTODAY’S FEATURED IFBB CONTEST: IFBB PITTSBURGH PRO Figure, Bikini, Men’s Classic, Men’s Physique 2017 NPC Pittsburgh Championships/ 2017 IFBB Pittsburgh …